Easy Giaz Catalogue Landing Page

Easy Giaz

Vom Fussels bis zum Speiseeis und Graniten

10 Portionen in
38 Sekunden!

Easy Giaz

Easy, with
Easy Giaz

Filippo Bazzani

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. Phasellus ex nunc, rhoncus a libero vitae, tristique auctor justo.

Take a look at the HotmixPRO Range

Or visit a specific model page on the website.

Alternatively, you can check our catalogue in pdf format, to have it offline too.

HotmixPRO Easy:

from 24°C to 130°C, painted steel body, up to 10’050 rpm. Your entry-level companion.

HotmixPRO Gastro:

from 24°C to 190°C, stainless steel body, up to 12’500 rpm, recipe memory and more!

HotmixPRO Gastro X:

from 24°C to 190°C, up to 16’000 rpm, up to 12 hours of work… powerful and tireless!

HotmixPRO Twin:

from 24°C to 190°C, up to 12’500 rpm, and double capacity, with its two independent bowls!

HotmixPRO Gastro XL:

from 24°C to 190°C, up to 16’000 rpm, up to 12 hours of work… and improved 3-lts capacity!

HotmixPRO 5 STARS:

from 24°C to 190°C, stainless steel body, and 5 lts capacity, ideal for the biggest restaurants!

HotmixPRO Breeze:

from -24°C to room temperature, it’s the first thermal mixer specialized in chilling!

HotmixPRO Combi:

on one side, it’s like a Gastro; on the other, like a Breeze – versatile and performant!

HotmixPRO Creative:

from -24°C to +190°C, it’s the first appliance of its category able to chill and cook in the same bowl!

HotmixPRO Master

from 24°C to 190°C, 16’000 rpm, 12 hours of continuous work… and the incredible ability to make vacuum in its bowl while working!

HotmixPRO Smoke

A professional cold smoker, able to run the smoke through liquids, and compatible with every other HotmixPRO unit.

HotmixPRO Dry

Entirely in stainless steel, with 2 separate areas, recipes, and compatibility with our smoker: this new tabletop dehydrator will really surprise you!

HotmixPRO Master Breeze:

quickly cool down to -24°C while creating vacuum into the bowl

HotmixPRO Giaz:

make up to 10 portions of instant ice cream in 60 seconds, without any waste and with full control over the results

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